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About Me

Charlotte, the founder of Earth Child Sydney, has a BSc in Psychology and over 14 years of experience working with children and in the mental health sector within the UK, Sri Lanka, and Australia. These experiences have allowed Charlotte to be open to the multitude of factors that impact someone's beliefs or behaviors.   


Most recently, Charlotte worked as an Educational Leader and Coordinator of an OSHC service over a 6 year period, in Australia. Within this industry, the Educational Framework has a strong emphasis on supporting children's autonomy, and creativity alongside sustainable practices and community collaboration. Professional Development training was encouraged in the organization Charlotte worked for, this training included Reverse Garbage; Loose Parts play and Conscious Discipline; a research-based trauma-informed discipline model. 


Charlotte, ever curious, has also studied a Diploma of Aromatherapy, Centre of Ecological Learning's Nature Mentor course, Koori Curriculum Club with Jessica Staines and Diploma of School Aged children. In terms of her own personal development, Charlotte learned about her own cycles with mentor Gina Frances, natural elements in the Modern Mystic Facilitator course with Rache Moore, and a Diploma of Shamanic Healing and Practices and Crystal Power Healing with Claudia Boymouchkian. 


Charlotte is heavily influenced by The Artist's Way, a self-guided 12-week program, that focuses upon removing obstacles from your creativity and allowing yourself to express your inner child/artist. By unlearning these patterns, we can reduce passing on these belief systems to the next generation. 


Another influence is Indigenous perspectives, Charlotte has explored and continues to educate herself upon Aboriginal Australians as well as Indigenous Quecha people. Through her interest, she notices the respect that Traditional Indigenous cultures have for Nature and the country. This spiritual connection has added an extra layer onto wanting to respect nature and reduce our footprint, assist in our own sense of nature through supporting natural rhythms around and within us.


Earth Child Sydney was created after a number of friends stated that the knowledge Charlotte had about self sufficiency should be shared upon a social platform, it is an intricate combination of Charlotte's three main passions, psychology, sustainability, and creativity.


Working with Charlotte will mean you are exposed to a range of perspectives and have the opportunity to expand as she continues to learn and unlearn and relearn.

Like the spider weaves her web, Charlotte('s web) will bring together different points that all centre in the middle, and reflect the connections of life that you may not have considered before. 


I look forward to sharing with you some self-sufficiency tips on your journey!

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