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Get in touch to organise a teambuilding beach cleanup

Healthy Eating

How much litter we've collected?

Earth Child's Bondi Beach Cleanups started after the massive swells of April 2022. 
Founder, Charlotte had often cleaned the beaches and litter as she walked past it, but after seeing a lady on the beach sieving the microplastics from the sand, Charlotte knew we had to do more. 
Meaning more hands, more microplastics lifted from the sand and more often. 
So she organised a one-off beach cleanup. She saw hope and potential to do more and decided to do another one and then make it monthly. 
Community events like Plastic Free July and International Beach Day have created opportunities to collaborate with Waverley Council, Flave and Wolf&Badger. 
If you are interested in creating a workplace team building opportunity and reducing waste, contact us to discuss our packages. 

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