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Charlotte wants to upskill members of the community to do this through: 

  • Monthly beach cleanups 

  • Community workshops that use waste(resources) to become toys and craft

  • Vacation Care and School workshops

  • Women's craft circles to connect with nature and inner child 

  • Online Courses

  • Alternate Healing (One-on-One & Group)


With my experience in childcare as well as knowing it's important to communicate what is going onto children so they can also be involved in the changes needed in our world. 


Living in tune with cycles and nature is a part of my lifestyle. 
Looking towards Traditional Indigenous cultures, with their respect and honour and connection to Nature, has taught me to reconnect with my own nature and the elements, recognising how they are reflected in my own cycles. 
After focusing on my own balance, I aim to support others to feel rebalanced and in harmony with their inner cycles. Click for more info for Healing sessions. 

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